Icons in lotus notes view columns can make an application look good and display data about a document in a quick intuitive way.
In Notes 6 you can display a list of icons in a view column which could make a mess! but could also be quite powerful.
Lightning 9 In progress..
Ticked doc 37 Approved PO
Cross doc 38 Rejected PO
? Doc 39 Queried Document
Coins 60 Paid
Plane & lorry 73 Courier etc
Factory 75 Being made
Hourglass 79 Waiting for, delayed, timer
No Entrance 80 Not Applicable N/A Cancelled
Red Cross 81 Rejected, discarded, cancelled
Green Tick 82 Approved, task done, ticked, Confirmed, stage reached
Thumbs up 83 Approved, ok, done
Thumbs down 84 Rejected, bad, No good,
Smiley 85 Customer happy, good feedback
Indifferent 86 Customer ok
Sad 87 Customer not happy
Bomb 91 Overdue Late
Stranger 163 Not assigned
Aeroplane 173 In transit, couriered, with courier
Building 175 in Office
Consider a View Help button that shows a key for the icons.
Another little used an little known notes client feature is to enable in user preferences: "Enable Icon popup help in view",
which allows text to be displayed with each icon.
If you add your own icons, then the icon names are used in the hover help.